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Preparing Your Home For Winter

We are well on our way through the autumn season and daylight savings is right around the corner. We all know what that means…winter is almost here and temperatures will continue to fall. This will lead to snow and possibly even the dreaded, ice. Here are some things you can do, while the weather is still decent, to protect your investment.

Consider hiring your local HVAC company to come and inspect your furnace BEFORE the weather is bitterly cold. They will make sure everything is in sound working order and no immediate repairs are needed. Another plus, typically if issues are caught early, you can save money on repair costs.

With us being the roofing gurus that we are, a big tip from us is – PREVENT ICE DAMS! If you noticed your home had a lot of icicles last winter or worse – ice dams, which can cause meltwater to back up and flow into your house, you’re going to want to take preventative action this year. Contact us and we can identify and fix any air leaks and inadequate insulation in your attic which is the leading cause of ice dams.

While we’re talking roofing – it’s also good to scan your roof for damaged or missing shingles that may leak during winter storms or from melting snow. IF not comfortable getting up on your roof you can use a pair of binoculars to give your roof a good look, just take your time. Also, make sure leaves aren’t collecting on your roof in a single area – they hold moisture.

Take a look at your windows and doors. Any gaps between the siding and window or door frames are going to need to be caulked. Typically if the gap is larger than the width of a nickel. Be sure to use a caulk suited best for outdoor use.

Earlier we mentioned checking your roof and making sure leaves weren’t collecting in a single area – you’re going to want to do the same for your gutters. Be sure your gutters are free of leaves and debris – this will also prevent ice dams and leaks. Make sure your downspouts are diverting water at least 3-4 feet away from the foundation of your home.

Be sure you disconnect any hoses from outdoor faucets and remove any access water. Undrained water in pipes can cause the pipes to freeze and burst. If you utilize lawn irrigation be sure that system is drained as well. This is also a good time to test your sump pump – you should do this every few months by pouring a few gallons of water into the pit to see if the pump engages.

If you’re an avid fireplace user – be sure to make sure the chimney and vents are clean and in good condition. This will help prevent fires and carbon monoxide from backing into your home.

If you’re concerned about any of the above – feel free to give us a call. We’d be happy to help if we can, and if we can’t, we’re always happy to recommend another professional.

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Preparing Your Home For Winter

We are well on our way through the autumn season and daylight savings is right around the corner. We all know what that means…winter is almost here and temperatures will

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